소스 코드 관리 설정

소스 코드 관리 설정

이 설정에서는 빌드를 실행할 저장소 및 인증 정보를 설정한다.

Repository URL

Github 저장소로 이동하여 Clone URL을 복사하여 설정한다.

저장소만 설정할경우 다음과 같이 나온다.

위의 메세지가 나오면 github 인증토큰을 주소에 포함시켜야 한다

https://<인증토큰>@github.com/ID/PROJECT 형태로 주소를 작성해야 한다.


생성한 Credential이 없다면 Add를 눌러서 새로 생성해야 한다.

팝업이 나오며, 정보들을 입력하고 확인을 눌러 생성한다.

Github는 작성 시점(2022.01.18) 기준 Personal Access Token을이용한 인증을 해야한다. 없을 경우 Token을 발급해야 한다. 토큰을 발급하는 내용은 하단의 링크를 참조한다.


Branches to build

빌드를 수행할 브랜치를 지정한다.

기본값은 */master 이며, 우측의 ?를 누르면 형식에 대한 상세한 정보가 나온다.

Specify the branches if you'd like to track a specific branch in a repository. If left blank, all branches will be examined for changes and built.

The safest way is to use the refs/heads/<branchName> syntax. This way the expected branch is unambiguous.

If your branch name has a / in it make sure to use the full reference above. When not presented with a full path the plugin will only use the part of the string right of the last slash. Meaning foo/bar will actually match bar.

If you use a wildcard branch specifier, with a slash (e.g. release/), you'll need to specify the origin repository in the branch names to make sure changes are picked up. So e.g. origin/release/

Possible options:

    Tracks/checks out the specified branch. If ambiguous the first result is taken, which is not necessarily the expected one. Better use refs/heads/<branchName>.
    E.g. master, feature1, ...
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. refs/heads/master, refs/heads/feature1/master, ...
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch. If ambiguous the first result is taken, which is not necessarily the expected one.
    Better use refs/heads/<branchName>.
    E.g. origin/master
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. remotes/origin/master
    Tracks/checks out the specified branch.
    E.g. refs/remotes/origin/master
    This does not work since the tag will not be recognized as tag.
    Use refs/tags/<tagName> instead.
    E.g. git-2.3.0
    Tracks/checks out the specified tag.
    E.g. refs/tags/git-2.3.0
    Checks out the specified commit.
    E.g. 5062ac843f2b947733e6a3b105977056821bd352, 5062ac84, ...
    It is also possible to use environment variables. In this case the variables are evaluated and the result is used as described above.
    E.g. ${TREEISH}, refs/tags/${TAGNAME}, ...
    The syntax is of the form: REPOSITORYNAME/BRANCH. In addition, BRANCH is recognized as a shorthand of */BRANCH, '*' is recognized as a wildcard, and '**' is recognized as wildcard that includes the separator '/'. Therefore, origin/branches* would match origin/branches-foo but not origin/branches/foo, while origin/branches** would match both origin/branches-foo and origin/branches/foo.
    :<regular expression>
    The syntax is of the form: :regexp. Regular expression syntax in branches to build will only build those branches whose names match the regular expression.
            matches: origin or origin/master or origin/feature
            does not match: origin/prefix or origin/prefix_123 or origin/prefix-abc
            matches: origin/release-20150101
            does not match: origin/release-2015010 or origin/release-201501011 or origin/release-20150101-something
            matches: origin/branch1 or origin/branch-2 or origin/master123 or origin/develop-123
            does not match: origin/master or origin/develop

Last updated